
Merry Christmas | Ring the Bells


Christmas time is here.  The time when we especially remember that Jesus came into this world, born of a virgin and fathered by the Holy Spirit.  He grew up as a child into a man “to seek and to save that which was lost”.  Luke 19:10

I love the song, Ring the Bells.  It was written by Harry Bollback who has been serving the Lord for 50+years.  He was an aspiring concert pianist who was saved in his teenage years and gave up his career to serve the Lord.  His passion was the youth of our world.  He served 5 years in the jungles of Brazil, fouteen years as Founder and Director of Word of Life camps and the Bible Institute in Brazil, co-Director of Word of Life Fellowship in the US and now, along with the late Jack Wyrtzen, as Founder of Word of Life.  As Bro. Bollback gave of his life to the Lord, the Lord gave him an opportunity to use his music.  He has written many songs and musicals of patriotism and Christianity.

As you read the words to Ring the Bells, think about its story, not only of the Lord’s birth, but of the responsibility of telling others about the message we hold dear in our hearts of salvation that is free to all.  May we be diligent to spread the news that Christ was born to die, so that others may have eternal life.

Ring the bells, ring the bells, Let the whole world know
Christ was born in Bethlehem Many years ago:

Born to die That man might live, Came to earth new life to give,
Born of Mary, born so low, Many years ago.

God the Father gave His Son, Gave His own beloved One
To this wicked, sinful earth, To bring mankind His love, new birth:

Ring the bells, Ring the bells, Let the whole world know
Christ the Savior lives today As He did so long ago!

3 replies on “Merry Christmas | Ring the Bells”

my mother has the record of the 1958 production of ring the bells the meaning of christmas its scrathed as a child i remember her playing it all the time and it is treasured in my heart as a christmas tradition is there any copies of this production on cd any hwere if so where could i get one

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