
TID BITS MONTHLY REPORT | Celebrating 3 years

This month marks three years that Tid Bits of Wisdom has been in publication.  We have only ten monthly supporters and most of them have been with us since the beginning.  We have a few others who support us from time to time and these have made it possible to produce a monthly paper.  Legacy Group Printing has been printing our paper from the very beginning and has taken us as a ministry of their print shop.  Our daughter in law, Rhesa, does our proofing and our daughter in law Diane prepares it for the copier.  We thank the Lord for His provisions and kindnesses to this work.

At the beginning of the year we received a large gift and with this gift we have been able to build a 22’x22’ office.  It is taking us a long time to finish the room and we have had to exercise a lot of patience, which is always good for our character.  We are looking forward to putting the books, records, tapes, CD’s and DVD’s (plus pictures) in the office.  We have to design a program that we can enter all of our collection into the computer so we can quickly find and have access to all of our materials at any time.  It will take a long time to enter all these items, but a little bit at a time and one day it will be done.

Gloria and Judy Connor made a trip to the valley to be with Connie Cimino while she was in the hospital having her defibulator reinserted.  Mrs. Connie came through it very well and is doing fine.  She was back to work in a couple of days.  Also, one of Wonderful Word’s board members, Bro. Brown, is experiencing a lot of lung trouble and would appreciate your prayers.  He is still preaching but it is very difficult for him to breathe.

This month is Christmas month.  If you plan to give something special to the Lord, in honor of His life, we would ask you to pray about considering giving to Tid Bits of Wisdom.  This montly paper has the opportunity of encouraging Christians to keep on keeping on and to share Tid Bits of truth with one another.  The more the Lord supplies the more we can reach out to others.

We really would love to have your input about the workings of the Lord in your lives.  Please take the time to share with us.  Our address is found on the back page of the paper.  Remember our web site (and you can always contact us here!).

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