
TID BIT’S OF WISDOM – May Monthly Update

I suppose you have noticed that this paper is dedicated to “MOTHERS”. Next month will be dedicated to “FATHERS”. Many things go on in the month of May, but we have focused on Mother’s Day and Memorial Day this time. Remember your mother this Mother’s Day and thank God for what she has taught you. If your mother was not a godly mother, she taught you what it was like to live without dependency on God and there were great lessons to be learned by watching. Whatever your parents were like, you learned from them.

It’s tax time at Tid Bit’s of Wisdom, which caused us to take a good look at what the Lord had done for the work this year. How can we give Him the praise He deserves for the wonderful work He works in our lives?

We have about 13 people who have faithfully supported this work every month since the beginning. They are the reasons we can produce a paper. Their support and prayers are the backbone of this work. We have about 10 others, who from time to time, share and give us the extra help we need to go forward. These are those people that God has stirred and they may not know just how important they are to us. Also, we had a person to share their her life with us this year, so we could acquire some much needed equipment and other needs. We have had a sound system and a piano given to the work by some very sweet people who wanted to be a part. We also have the people who share with us each month as to how they were blessed through the paper. Last, but not least, are those who take the time to read the paper each month and allow us to enter into their lives. It takes all of these to make this work a success. Praise the Lord for the work He has honored with His presence.

We began with a mailing of 500 papers each month. Then the next year we were mailing 650 each month. This year we are putting out 1300 each month. As God increases, we will go forward. Do you have someone you would like the paper to be sent to? Just send their address and we will gladly add them to the mailing. We love receiving your letters.

We have a website now where you can go to read the paper. It is not complete at this time, but we hope to soon have it up and going. We would love to have e-mail addresses for those who would like to receive it on the internet. You would be able to print any articles that you might want from the internet.

Do you have Bible questions that you would like to have answered? We would like to have your questions and your input as to what you would like to see in the paper. Tell us where your struggles are and we will go to the Word of God to find out what God has to say to us.

Our country is in trouble and God’s people need to join themselves together in one heart. Satan feels the liberty to do as he pleases today, because God’s people have been quiet too long. It’s our prayer that this paper will help to encourage God’s people to keep on keeping on.

Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. Ps 60:11-61:1