
TID BITS OF WISDOM – June Monthly Update

Praise the Lord for another month to serve His glorious kingdom. America is not looking too good today, but God’s kingdom is secure and righteous. We really need to pray for our country. Our country has departed from the Living God. We still talk about Him, but we do not call upon Him for counsel or direction for our country. We work at solving our problems instead of looking for the reason that shows us why we have problems. The Scripture is very clear that we are to pray for those in leadership.

It’s been a good month for Tid Bits of Wisdom. We have had several sweet words for the paper and stories about how the paper has ministered to lives. Many tell us that they pass the paper on to others when they are finished with it. Some papers go to five or more people. I attended a graduation for one of our seniors this week and the teacher had used parts of Tid Bits of Wisdom for her class poems. We have had many comments about the poem on the books of the Bible last month. That came out of my mother-in-law’s Bible.

We are not sure what the cost will be for the paper this month, but there will be an increase due to postage going up. Our monthly support is right at the monthly expenses of the paper. God has been so good to send just what we need when we need it. Many of you, who do not support the paper monthly, send love gifts from time to time and it is always at the right time.

Please pray for our Mrs. Rose Cimino. She is very sick at this time. Mrs. Connie Cimino, Gloria and I and Bro. Larry and Judy Connor have been doing the work for sometime, but Mrs. Rose is very important to all of us. Because she and Bro. Dick had a burden to get the Word in print, we have an avenue to get the Word out today. The written Word can go places we would never be able to get to. Bro. Joe West ran into a lady on an elevator who had been saved over 30 years earlier from a tract one of his members had left on her door. Her whole family had been saved and serving the Lord all those years. How encouraging this was for Bro. & Mrs. West! When we leave a tract, we have no idea what the Lord can and will do with His Word. The need for this ministry is even greater today than it was when they began it in the 60’s. Gloria and I have a burden to teach and exhort Christians to keep on keeping on and to rejoice while they keep on keeping on! We must grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding if we are to have the tools we need to overcome destruction to our lives. Hopefully, we will be able to give tools of teaching and exhorting through this monthly paper.

Wonderful Word and Tid Bits of Wisdom again say, thank you for your loving support for this work. May God richly bless you for sharing your life with us.

Letters this month:

Dear Jerry and Gloria, Thank you for the April issue of Tid Bits of Wisdom. I usually read it from front to back the first day we receive it. Gloria, I thrive on your Bible lessons and articles. Knowing you and Bro. Jerry makes the paper very special to us. Thank you Bro. Jerry for your Easter message. I am so thankful for the time we had to work together in the past and grow in the Lord from your ministry. Your friends in Christ, K. & L. Kluttz.

Early this morning I was able to find time to read Tid Bits of Wisdom for May. It was a real blessing to me and extremely well done. I know that it took hours to prepare and publish and I appreciate all that you put into it each month. Bro. Jerry & Gloria, you are very special to Margie and me and we thank God for your friendship, encouragement & faithfulness to the Lord through the many years that we have known you. Over 50 years ago Gloria’s father recommended me to my first pastorate in Eldorado, Texas. He held our first revival meeting after I became pastor of the Fundamental Baptist Church. Of course, even prior to that, Gloria’s father (Bro. Krueger) allowed me to direct the music at Maple Lawn Baptist Church where he was pastoring in Dallas, Texas. What a blessing he and your mother were to us. Bro. Jerry, your family has also been a part of our ministry down through the years. Your mother, sisters and other family members were faithful to attend and support us at Central Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs, Texas. I remember when you and your family drove from Dallas to Waco, Texas to direct our music when I pastored in Waco. Real lifetime friendships are sometime hard to maintain, but your family have been just that to us through the years. I just wanted you to know that and to say THANKS! Bro. N.& M.. Bulkley.