
Home Going of Elliot Rose Cimino


Our Rose has gone to be with the Lord. Elliott “Rose” Cimino, at 96 years of age, passed from death to life on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Harlingen, Texas.

Rose was born in Indianapolis, IN on August 1, 1912 to William and Laura Bell. She worked in a rescue mission in Tennessee and she and her husband Bro. Dick Cimino founded the Gospel Press Printing Co.

Rose was a pastor’s wife for a number of years prior to moving to Harlingen in May of 1964. She and Bro. Dick conducted Vacation Bible Schools from the 1950’s to the 1970’s during the summers. She was cofounded with her husband Dick Cimino, of the Wonderful Word Publishers, a Spanish gospel tract ministry, in 1965, which is still continuing to go forward with the gospel today.

Rose found crochet to be her favorite pastime and loved making some- thing for her friends and family to enjoy. She made crocheted projects every Christmas for the bus children and the children at the church. Her hands and mind were never idle. She loved celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. She also loved to watch the birds and tend to her flowers. She was an avid fisher woman, both for fish and for souls of man. She was a HOST volunteer for 23 years at Bowie Elementary School during the 1980’s and 1990’s.

Rose is survived by her loving son, Paul Cimino and Maria his wife. Paul and Maria were able to spend the last week of Rose’s life with her and serve her needs during those rough days. She loved her children and family.

She is also survived by her faithful daughter-in-law, Connie Cimino, who has been doing the work of the Wonderful Word now for some years. Since after marriage to David, Connie has lived across the street from Rose and has always been there to meet Mom Rose’s needs. This will be a great loss for Connie.

Other survivors are Rose’s sister Katie Staffen; grandchildren, Mishal Smith (Darryl), D.J. Cimino (Emily), Mary Rose Slaughter, Donna Morrison (Mitch), Renae Cimino, Billy Cimino (Tammy), Beteyse Rose Erazo, Kris Mitch- ell (Steve), Jon Cimino, Rance Cimino, Justin Cimino, Katie Jo Cimino; 18 great- grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, inlaws and dear friends.

Rose was preceded in death by her husband, Rev. Dominic “Dick” Cimino; sons, Dickie Cimino, Bill Cimino and David Cimino; sisters, Mickey and Tudie.

Funeral services were held at Harvest Baptist Church on Freddy Gonzalez Drive in Edinburg, where Rose was a member. Pastors Dale Yontz and Jerry Brewster officiated. She was buried at Mont Meta Memorial Park in San Benito, beside her husband Dick Cimino. For those desiring to make a memorial contribution, you may send it to Wonderful Word Publishers, P.O. Box 2583, Harlingen, Texas, 78551.

To the supporting churches and supporting loved ones of the Wonderful Word Publishers, we would like to say, that by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and your faithful support, this work will go on giving the gospel to a needy world.

We are including a letter written by Rose’s son, Paul Cimino which was read at Rose’s funeral. Also, a letter from Mrs. Connie Cimino.

Paul Cimino:

It is with a glad heart that I address this assembly of family, friends and loved ones. Someone asked me how I felt about the circumstances surrounding Mom and her passing. I said that I was excited for Mom. My friend said excited was not what would come to his mind in this circumstance. I explained that in all the years, being in and out of ministry, I had never been in the presence of someone that was just one step or breath away from the presence of the Lord. For it to be Mom, it was exciting to me. Granted, I will miss Mom and there is human sorrow. But as the Bible states in 1Cor.5:8, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”, and that is an excitement that is beyond belief. The Bible also tells us in 1Thes.4:13, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.” In Christ Jesus we have hope. We have excitement. We have love and we have the truth. 1Cor.2:9 states, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” I was unable to speak at my father’s passing, so my comments will include both Dad and Mom. Together, they lived their lives for the Lord. They gave all they had for others and to others. They never stressed that we boys should plan for a profession, retirement, investment or savings. They thought that we all would still be living when the Lord came back. They simply said that the Lord would come any day and we were to be ready. SO! Guess what (LOL)! I have no retirement, pension, nor investment on this earth, BUT, thanks to my loving and beautiful wife of 15 years, I finally do have some savings and a term insurance policy. But greatest of all, I have a faith and a BELIEF THAT THE LORD IS COMING BACK ANY DAY and my retirement and investment is beyond the blue.

Dick and Rose loved ministering to people, especially to kids, through their famous “DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS,” which were conducted all over the country. So many of those kids grew up to become prominent clergy, missionaries and faithful servants for the Lord. They were saved in old fashioned tent meetings and Bible schools. I have literally known of kids who came to know the Lord in the schools, to grow up and have their kids come to know the Lord in… guess where?…Mom and Dad’s daily Vacation Bible Schools. Dick and Rose Cimino may not be here with us today, but the fruit of their labor is here. We all have the opportunity to lead a person to the Savior and hopefully, they, in turn, will lead many. Jesus told His disciples, “Greater works shall ye do than I have done.” WOW! Greater than the Lord! You never know who God will bless to do greater works, but all He requires of us is to do our best. He’ll take care of the rest.

Maria and I want to thank Pastor Jerry Brewster and his wonderful wife Gloria Brewster for their love and support of Dick and Rose Cimino and the Wonderful Word ministry. They have been a wonderful support to Maria and me over the years and we love them for it. Thank you for your advice and encouragement. Also, we would like to acknowledge the incredible and unprecedented love, sup- port and care that our sister-in-law, Connie Cimino, has given my mother through out all of the years, since Dad’s passing. She has been a constant companion, as well as a daughter-in-law, and an exceptional one at that. Our deepest thanks. We would encourage all those who are showing your respect and love to my mother, to remember that you only have the Lord to answer to. He knows our heart and our heart’s de- sires. Give Him your heart and you will know the peace and joy that passeth all understanding, which Dad and Mom enjoyed daily. May the Lord richly bless you and keep you. (My favorite nephew, D.J. and Emily his wife, who has the voice of an angel, will sing, “What A Day That Will Be,” accompanied by sister Gloria).

Connie Cimino:image

Mom, or Rose Cimino, was a remarkable person. When David began to show interest in me it was the summer of 1963. They were at my church conducting Vacation Bible School. I was secretary for the VBS and had close contact with Mom. Being 16 years of age, she scared me to death. I never met a woman who had such a presence about her. She had a countenance that spoke of a person who had known the Lord for a long time. She was a leader and a person that took charge. She knew what needed to be done, enlisted ones to do it and explained how she wanted it done. After they left my church David continued to pursue me and we married in 1965. Later, after finishing school, we moved to Harlingen in 1969 to begin working with them in the Wonderful Word Publishers. Through these past 40 years I came to love and respect Mom as I watched her daily in life. When Gloria asked me to write something about her, I thought of all the different “hats” she has worn throughout her life and how her personality came through each one.

As a Christian, she was faithful and steadfast. No matter what the circumstance or how hard the trial became she was faithful to the Lord. She encouraged others near her that were affected with the trial to remember the Lord was in control and everything would be alright. A prayer in the front of her Bible reads, “Oh God, may I always keep my eyes, myself and all I have in me faced toward You, not my husband, not my boys, or anyone else on this earth. Keep me humble before Thee. I have no pride in anyone or anything – save Jesus.”

As a wife, she was devoted and loyal. I never knew a couple more dedicated to one another than Mom and Dad. David and I lived across the street from them 12 years before his dad passed away and I never heard a cross word between them. Love for one another was very evident in everyday life. I learned what the meaning of a true marriage and love was all about by watching Mom and Dad. They did for one another without being asked. With Dad in a wheelchair it was a very common thing to see him do dishes, cook, put things away, and etc., whistling while he worked and loving every minute of it. Mom would lay out his clothes for him every evening, in case Dad arose before she did. She would help him into the van or car and handle that wheelchair like it was a folding chair, even though it weighed a lot. If he were sick, she’d be by his side day and night, to see he got what he needed. Each did for the other without a hint of discontentment, but rather a display of love and selflessness.

As a mother, she was loving and forgiving. In love she gave what was good for the boys, but withheld that which she knew would be harmful or hurtful, whether it was when they were children or grown men. As grown men, times came with all three that were troublesome or hurtful – as it comes to all parents. No matter what came, she was always Mom or Mother with a forgiving heart for her sons and loving them at all times.

As a grandmother, she adored her grandchildren, always giving something when they came to visit. Whether it was my children from across the street, or the others who came to visit from far away. They never left without something in hand from grandma and there was pride in her eyes for the lives of the little ones that were given to her by the Lord from her sons.

As a friend, she was reliable; one you could count on to keep your confidences and to pray for you. People are scattered all over the states that confided in her and shared some sort of problem concerning themselves or a family member. She was a prayer warrior.

As a worker, Mom was diligent and non-relentless. Before her body became weak from age, she could out work circles around anyone. In the 1950’s to early 1970’s, when preparing material for the Vacation Bible Schools, she would work 24-36 hours without taking a break. Many a time Dad would have to make her stop and rest. The same was true when she was printing tracts. Sometimes the press would run 24 hours before a rest. The print shop was in their home and all the rooms would contain boxes or tables full of tracts. There was work to do and it had to be done and it had to be done right. There was no second class and no short cuts with her work. She gave nothing but the best of her ability for the Lord and for the church.

As a family member, from Mom’s side, as well as Dad’s, she loved and was proud of each and every member. Her eyes would glow when word came from Missouri, New York, Arizona, Tennessee, Georgia, the Carolinas and Canada of some happening or greeting. It thrilled her to hear from her loved ones.

As a church member, she was loyal and a prayer warrior for her pastor. She always stood by him and backed him in the decisions he felt led of the Lord to make for the church. Never causing a problem for him, but trying, when she could, to en- courage others to support the one God had placed in leadership of the church.

I came to love and respect mom very early in my relationship with her. It grew as the years passed. My fears went away as I watched her and began to under- stand her. She was a very strong willed and determined person. And so she was in death. The doctors said she would live 3-5 days and it took her 14 days. She was a true example of what a Christian should be. She put the Lord first, others next and herself last. She will be missed by many. I loved her. Mom, I will miss you.

Our family was asked to give one word that best describes what Mom Rose exhibited to us. Connie – faithful/ steadfast; Mishal – godliness/submission; Darryl – hospitality; Nathaniel – amazing; D.R. – caring; Ronda – loving; D.J – perseverance; Emily – strength/virtue