

Another new year has arrived! A fresh start! What are we going to do with it? It’s a gift. We may not have a complete year before the Lord comes back or takes us home. What we do, we must do today!

The time we take to publish this paper and the time you take to read it, is a small portion of time and doesn’t seem like much, but everything done is making a difference. When we come to the end of our life, it is these things that we did moment by moment that make up our lives.

I ran into an old friend that was in my Bible class 40 years ago and she was telling me about a lesson I taught that they had never forgotten. I had forgotten teaching it! We do things and forget, but God doesn’t forget and one day we give an account for everything. Today is a gift of time and opportunity. What will we do with it?

There was a time when I thought it was dumb to set goals, because so many people set unrealistic goals in January and give up in the month of February, but I realize today that we only accomplish that which we plan to do. Let’s be balanced and be realistic and set some goals for this year. Let’s change the things that need to be changed, let’s straighten up the things that are crooked and let’s build the things that are needed, but let’s get busy till Christ returns. The only way we can go forward and have wisdom enough to do that which is profitable, is to begin by reading God’s Word. If you haven’t already committed to read through your Bible this year, could I persuade you to do so? You will not regret having taken on this challenge. Should you lose the schedule we sent last month, you can remember that by reading three chapters a day and five chapters on Sunday you can read through the Bible in one year.

Our monthly support is right at the amount we spend monthly for postage. We have spent the extra that the Lord so graciously gave us this year and we are praying that He will touch hearts and again meet the needs of this year. We are so thankful for our faithful friends who have taken it upon themselves to support this work each month.

Our office is coming along. We are building shelves and painting. We are bringing the books out of storage and into the room. Soon we will be able to bring the computers out. We would like to dedicate this room to the work of writing and printing the Wonderful Word of the Lord.

We have had several comments this month from those who have enjoyed the paper. Here are two of the letters:

Dear Jerry & Gloria, Just a line to thank you again for this “Tid Bits of Wisdom”. It has to take a lot of work to put this out every month. May God bless each one who works so hard each month on this. I enjoy it very much. We wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy new year. We must always keep our mind on what Christmas is all about. May God bless your whole family. Lewis & Ann.

I just love the Tid Bits of Wisdom every month. I know it takes a LOT of hard work on several people’s part to get this published and out every month. I enjoy it through and through. I would like to request that one be sent to my aunt. She enjoys stories/trials that people have faced and how God has worked it all out. There is so much encouragement in your few pages of trivia, stories and even the funny jokes that gives me hope and acknowledgement that there are many Christians out there in this world that still love people and are eager to be a blessing. I know the postage is tight and I am willing to give up my monthly issue in order for my aunt to get a copy. I believe that she will cherish having it come directly to her home. You all are a blessing and a refreshment and a great encouragement to others. Myra C.

We also received a letter from a friend that expressed the heartaches he has experienced  because of an unusual upbringing. His family told him he was to never have children. Because of his mother and father’s behavior the family was afraid that he would  be like them and his children would be like them and therefore they told him having children was wicked. He and his wife are passed child bearing years today and have had many heartaches because of the perverse teachings of those who reared him. He has come a long way in his life, undoing the things that could, and almost did, destroy his life. Christ has taught him how to lead a normal life today and he is an example of the fact that Christ is all anyone needs. Many children today are being mislead by perverted parents or family and will go through much heartaches because of it, but isn’t it wonderful to know that a relationship with the Lord can undo all the damage as we follow Christ.

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