

The month of October is filled with activity.  Gloria is speaking at a ladies retreat the 9th and 10th of October.  The 11th of October is our 11th anniversary at Galilean Baptist Church.  These are a few of the goings on this month.  You can read about the latest adventure on page five.  Hopefully, you will join us and be a part of the establishing of Tid Bits of Wisdom.

We met a friend the other day and they told us how much they enjoyed Tid Bits of Wisdom and then said, “But it seems like there is always someone dying!”  We began to think back and we have had many deaths since we began this paper.  Gloria has lost her mother and sister, plus we have lost many family members.  Our latest loss was Mrs. Rose Cimino, who opened the door for this work to be done.  We are in our middle 60’s and at this age you began to see many deaths, but there is something good about it all.  Heaven is more precious than ever before, and while we enjoy and want to live life as long as possible, the thought of being with the Lord gets sweeter every day.  Yet, we are looking forward to seeing new growth in the days to come and to focus on where we are and what God has given us to do and to celebrate the life that we have been given.  While death is coming to us all, life is given to us today to live and enjoy.

We ate lunch this week with Bro. Sumner Wimp and his wife.  What a wonderful time of fellowship we had around the Word of God and His workings in our lives.  Bro. Sumner calls his shirt pocket his, “Tract Rack”.  He is a vibrant soul winner and being around him reminds us that we need to be busy giving the gospel to the world.  We would like to see more tracts printed this year and distributed to Christian workers, than we have in years past.  We would  also like to see an increase in our mailing list for Tid Bits of Wisdom.  We thank the Lord for the printer who makes our paper possible.  The Tid Bits of Wisdom family consists of ten faithful families at this time and we pray this will increase as the Lord adds to the work.

We received some sweet letters this month.  One from our friend, Perley Larson (member of Lavon Drive Bapt., Garland, Texas) who was stirred by the article on the youth camp.  She had been raised under Bro. Art Wilson’s ministry and it brought back loving memories.  She also spoke of Bro. Homer Richey.  Bro. Homer and Omer Richey were two of the men who were connected to the Lake Texohoma Camp.  Another writer, Mrs. Melba McCarter, shared how Bro. David and Connie Cimino did a lot of courtship in her kitchen.  She says, “Mrs. Connie is a good Christian lady.”   We love receiving your notes and letters.

Has God answered any of your prayers lately?  Write us and tell us how the Lord is working in your life.  This will encourage us as we encourage others.

Mrs. Connie came to Dallas last month and we had our annual meeting for the Wonderful Word Publishers Inc.  We feel like we are getting in a position to see the work go forward once again and we are excited about what is happening.

Please do not forget to pray for Bro. Brown (board of directors) and Mrs. Bobbie Mayhew’s daughter, Glenda (a supporter).  Pray also for Bro. Cox’s wife (a supporter ).  Also for Mrs. Pernie Harris who is 93 years old and is waiting for results of test she had taken (a supporter).  Pray also for Bro. Richard Guay who had gallbladder surgery last month (missionaries to Thailand).  Also, two young men struggling with drugs.

May the good Lord bless and keep you and richly reward you who have shared your lives with this work.

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