
TID BITS OF WISDOM – September Monthly Update

It’s back to school for the children and back to routine to the family.  Vacation is over!  I don’t know about your church, but it will be good to see our church family all on the same Sunday for a change.  America is a country on the move.

This is a blessing which many countries do not enjoy.  Our families live all over America and we get in the car, on the airplane, in the train or bus, and we enjoy one another.  There are many people who have never been more than a few miles from home.  We are a blessed people, but as our President has said so many times, it is about to change!  Tighten your belt, America is in for a ride in a vehicle of socialism.  Socialism is run by man, not God.  This country has only known God as its head and the blessings that we enjoy today come from God, not man.

Because we are facing great change, we need to take a good look at our lives and make sure that we are ready for what lies ahead.  We need to check our souls, our families and our church service.  We need to make sure we are pleasing to the Lord.

We may not be able to produce this paper in the days to come, due to lack of money or lack of freedom.  Today is the day of service.  Yesterday is over, tomorrow has not come, but today there is strength and wisdom to accomplish whatever the Lord has given us to do.  Tid Bits of Wisdom is written to encourage Christians to study and know the Word of God.  We must be ready, because the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back.

Mrs. Connie Cimino is coming to Dallas in September and we are having a board meeting for Wonderful Word Publishers.  We have two arms to this ministry.  One arm is tracts and books to the Spanish speaking people and any other people we can produce tracts for.  The other arm is Tid Bits of Wisdom, to encourage God’s people to keep keeping on for the Kingdom of God.  We will be praying for God’s leading in this coming year and seeking ways to accomplish as much as possible with what the Lord puts in our hands.  The Connors (Larry & Judy) are our left and right hands.  They do all the printing of the books and tracts without charge.  They have the Bread of Life Printing Ministry.  Tid Bits of Wisdom is printed by Legacy Print Group, who has graciously done this as a ministry.  All of the board of directors will be meeting with us, except Bro. Brown.  Bro. Brown has been very sick this year and we would like for you to remember him in your prayers.  Bro. Brown was the Cimino’s pastor for many years, since Bro. Dick and Bro. David passed away, and he has been there for Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Connie to support them.

Every month we praise the Lord for the few who faithfully share with Tid Bits of Wisdom.  Some share from time to time and make up the slack and others are there every month.  We are asking the Lord to increase those who would join us in the support of this work.  We want it to always be sent free of charge to anyone who would like to receive it.  We are delighted to add names each month.  Come join in the work and let’s see what we can accomplish for the Lord.  Last month we received a call from a person who was deeply touched by one of the articles and they said it came just at the right time in their life.  We get this calls from time to time and this is what the work is about.

Don’t forget that we have a website.  It is  Check it out.  Matthew Guay is working the website for us and is doing a great job.  Hopefully we can add other works to the site later on.

….Jerry and Gloria Brewster

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