
TID BITS OF WISDOM – August Monthly Update

It is already August and the year is quickly coming to the end.  We hope you are reading your Bible daily and are keeping on schedule for the year.  DON’T GIVE UP!  Never give up!  If, for some reason, you cannot finish in one year, keep going until you do finish, then let us know you made it.  Many of God’s people never read completely through the Bible.  What a shame that the Word of God is not sought after by believers.

Tid Bits is looking into making some changes around the house.  We are attempting to build a room that will hold all of our office materials and house all our books, tapes, records, CD’s and DVD’s that have been collected these 49 years.  We have books that we have gotten over the years.  We have Gloria’s daddy’s books.  We have many of Bro.Roloff’s records and books.  We have books of Bro. Mel Rutter’s (plus we have Bro. Mel’s first desk when he entered the ministry).  We have many of Bro. James and Jenny Crumpton’s books, plus many books of Bro. Dick and Rose Cimino.  Gloria has collected music also all these years.  We are praying that we can finally have a room to put them all on display so others can read, listen and enjoy them .  It may take some time to accomplish this but we would like to start in the next few months.

To our faithful monthly supporting family, we again say thank you!  We also say thank you to the ones who remember us from time to time with their love gifts.  Often, we see friends who apologize for not sending us support.  Many would like to support the work but feel they cannot.  Others just don’t get around to doing it.  We always tell them that we are not looking to our friends and loved ones for the support of this work.  True, most all of the support comes from these kinds of people, but we do not want to look to people for our needs.  We seek the Lord and He touches you the people and we know that we are all working together in the work of the Lord.  No one has the burden of keeping this work going but the Lord Himself and He has graciously supplied every need.  Gloria and I believe very strongly that the Lord provides when He is leading.

We are beginning to get a heavy schedule for the fall, but we thank the Lord for the opportunities He gives us.  Gloria will be speaking at a Ladies Getaway on the 8th and 9th of October.  Gloria and I will be holding a family seminar in conjunction with a revival starting the 18th of October at Williams Road Baptist Church in San Benito, Texas.  Gloria will also be speaking in March of 2010 at Harvest Baptist Church in Edingburg, Texas.  We would ask you to please pray for us as we seek the Lord’s leading in the ministry.  Unless the Lord speaks, through us, we only make noise, but when the Lord’s precious Holy Spirit speaks lives are changed and blessed.  Pastors understand what it is like to attempt to feed God’s people several times a week.  The people need to see the Lord, not man, so remember to pray for those who feed you weekly.

We would love to have input from you about your ministries or about those who have blessed your life by their ministries, stories about how the Lord has worked in your life.  We may not publish all of them but as the Lord leads we may use them from time to time.  But it does encourage us to hear from you about the Lord’s hand in your life.  Don’t forget about our web site, May the Lord richly bless you and your family.

….Jerry and Gloria Brewster

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