Dear Supporters & Readers of Tid Bits,
I wish to thank you for your beautiful cards, caring notes and compassionate letters you sent since the home going of Mom. Perhaps one of the most meaningful came from an inmate in a Texas prison. He came in contact with us two years ago after receiving one of our tracts in prison. We shared our information about him with a missionary who does Bible correspondence courses and Jerry has grown in the Lord through study of the Word of God while he remains in prison. He writes, “My prayers go out to you and all those whose lives Mrs. Rose Cimino has touched. Even though we prepare for the outcome and try to make everything as comfortable as possible, the pain and sadness are still there. I have come to know your family over these years and what I have learned from you all is to put and keep your faith in the Lord. His glory shines through every situation.” God can use this man where he is to bring others to the saving knowledge of the Savior. Our lives are a testimony to others, no matter where we are. We will either bring a person closer to the Lord or we will drive them away from Him by our actions and words. May we strive to honor and glorify the Lord in all that we do and say.
Tracts have gone forth as well as song books and the leaflet that tells of Dick Cimino’s conversion from the Roman Catholic Church to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. This leaflet is available in Spanish and English. A missionary told us they sent Dad’s testimony, “To God From Idols”, to a correspondent student who is an inmate in a California prison. He wrote them back stating that he felt closer to the Lord. They believe Dad’s testimony had a definite impact upon this man. Thousands of Spanish tracts have been taken by missionaries and native pastors to many areas in Mexico, from the border area to Tuxpan, in the state of Ver Cruz, Mexico. We rarely know where our tracts end up or what results they have. That is one disadvantage to a printing missionary as opposed to a missionary on the field. We have to trust the Lord takes His Word and sends it forth where it is intended to reach the lost. Occasionally we hear of blessings or results which makes the hours of labor worthwhile. The tract is the biggest help to a missionary on the field and is within itself a silent missionary. It never tires, or gets sick, or discouraged. It never needs a furlough, or salary, or a building. The Gospel tract is always on the job wherever it is found. Praise the Lord for the printed page.
We thank the Lord for His provision and His love to us all these years. This is the 40th year I have been in the Rio Grande Valley serving with the Wonderful Word Publishers. My main service has first and foremost been to my husband and the raising of my two children. Through the years I aided the WWP but my calling was my home and family. Since the death of my husband in 2001, my main focus has been the continuation and operation of WWP. Our Spanish tract volume has increased, some old tracts have been revived and we look forward to doing more in the future as the Lord enables and provides. The Tid Bits of Wisdom has been an excellent revival of the originally Wonderful Word Magazine. Bro. Brewster and Gloria have done an amazing job. Both entities are self supporting of one another. We thank you, our readers and supporters, for your financial aid and your prayers and ask that you continue to do so in the days to come. We seek the Lord for guidance and to supply our needs. He uses people to accomplish His work. We need your prayers and ask that if the Lord impresses you to help our ministries financially to obey His nudging.
May God bless you in these trying and difficult days and may we remain faithful to our loving Lord and Savior. I leave you with these thoughts which I often have to remind myself, “Trust in the LORD…Delight thyself also in the LORD…Commit they way unto the LORD…Rest in the LORD.” Psalm 37:3-7
…Connie Cimino